Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Your first posts!

As I sit here after reading the posts of this class about the organizations that you are working at and the mission of these places as well as your own experiences and thoughts being there, I am humbled and grateful. Humbled that there are so many who are willing to dedicate their lives to serve those who are down on their luck, or disenfranchised in some way, or just in need of a role model. And very grateful that there are people out there like you guys willing to put in the time to help. You are an amazing group and despite this being an assignment, many of you mentioned that you were glad that you could contribute to the greater good in the ways that you did and were looking forward to going back again to do more, of which I am so glad!

During these tough times for our country, I think President Obama put it best as written in the Boston Globe on Jan 20, 2009:

"Everybody can be great because everybody can serve," Obama said, quoting the slain civil rights leader as he rolled Laguna blue paint on the walls of Sasha Bruce House.

While his administration intends to work hard to help Americans in need, Obama said, "Don't underestimate the power for people to pull together and to accomplish amazing things."

"These young people have huge potential that right now is not being tapped, and given the crisis that we're in and the hardships that so many people are going through, we can't allow any idle hands," he added. "Everybody's got to be involved. Everybody's going to have to pitch in, and I think the American people are ready for that."

So, it's official: you are great because you serve. Obama said it himself. For more examples of great blogs, please check out the blogs of Jackie B, Nataliya G, Stacey O, and Liz Y.


df said...

That was cool Phebe! I love the quotes from Obama, nice touch. Doing this really does bring you a "reality check" puts things into perspective.


phebe said...

Thanks, Tiffany. Things are coming together from all over the place...Obama's speech, our campus reading TCT, it's a sign of the times. I know what you mean about the reality check--some of those Wall Street fat cats need to go and check it out.